New Law Hikes Deduction Limit for Corporate Cash Contributions for Disaster Relief

Thanks to recent legislation, U.S. corporations can deduct up to 100% of their contributions to relief effort for a qualified disaster. They are also getting a break on how they have to document it.… Read more about New Law Hikes Deduction Limit for Corporate Cash Contributions for Disaster Relief (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by…

Identity Thieves Targeting Unemployment Benefits, Warns IRS

The nation has been weathering nearly one million weekly initial unemployment claims since the beginning of the pandemic. For many qualifying Americans, unemployment insurance benefits are the only thing preventing food insecurity and homelessness while trying to find a new job. Unfortunately, some still have not received their benefits.… Read more about Identity Thieves Targeting Unemployment Benefits, Warns IRS (Feed generated with FetchRSS) – Story provided by…